December 2023 Lapham Lodge Update


Plans for the Lapham Lodge project have been under review by State and Federal agencies for several months.  These reviews, when completed, will allow the Friends to put the project out for bidding by general contractors.  This should occur in early 2024, and will tell us if we have the funds needed, based on the bids.  The hope is that this will lead to a construction start in spring 2024, with completion of the building in spring 2025.

The Friends building committee has been working closely with the design team and the review agencies to resolve any issues with the design.  The Invitation to Bid on the project will be posted in several local newspapers and trade publications, describing the details of the project, requirements for submitting a bid, and where contractors can obtain the construction documents needed to prepare their bids.  It is going to be an exciting next couple of months for the Friends and the project.

In the meantime, you can visit the Friends’ website and enter an order for a laser-engraved paver in the east patio, or just make a donation.

Please send any comments or questions to:


Thanks - Friends of Lapham Peak, Lodge Building Committee

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