
We have many more features within Lapham Peak, and an educational web page (Lapham Peak Interactive) was created to help people who are out hiking to learn more about each of these, as well as provide information about other topics in the park.

Lapham Peak Interactive was developed with the intention of providing information to people who visit Lapham Peak in an exciting new way.  For those who wonder and want to know more about what they see as they make their way through this beautiful property, QR codes have been installed around the park to provide additional information through text, photos and videos.

So many of us are walking around with devices that can open our minds to the world around us. Simply point your smart-phone's camera at one of the QR codes and be taken to web pages that will explain, educate and enlighten.

You may scan the QR codes while you are out hiking, and/or click the button below to go there now and use the "interactive map" to see where each of the codes are (and you can read them remotely using this page as well).
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