On Nov 6, 2021, The Friends of Lapham Peak sponsored a Fall Workday followed by a Chili-lunch for the volunteers. Over 30 volunteers worked on a number of different projects within the park, including:
- Stacking Firewood at Evergreen for the winter
- Removing slash (branches) from the trails especially from Evergreen to the top of Summerstage Hill, to be burned later
- Spreading mulch (woodchips) on trails
- Leveling backfill (dirt) around the new Campsite Shelter
- Cutting and stacking buckthorn on the hills around the Tower, to be burned later
Thank you to each of the volunteers and to each of those who prepared and served the delicious lunch meal for us - it was a fun day, that made visible progress, especially as we get the park ready for winter visitors and winter recreation!