Fire Pits & Firewood now available in the Park

Thanks to Freddy Hertneky and his Eagle Scout project, and our "Buckthorn Busters" we now have a new firepit and firewood rack at Homestead Hollow's Trecker Lodge.

The Buckthorn Busters also just added a firepit and firewood rack at the Mike Fort Shelter.  

These two, plus a fire pit at Evergreen, and at our Backpack Campsite - both also with stocked firewood racks, provide a number of options for picnics, and gatherings, and campers, to enjoy a warm, safe, bonfire.  Split, dried, firewood (with included kindling) is provided for donations - the donations are all used to help fund the burning of our prairies and woodlands to reduce invasives and minimize the amount of herbicide needed to control tougher invasives.

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